Wednesday, August 8, 2018

as the lines fall into pleasant places

i'm learning not to hold my breath any longer, to celebrate small victories, to allow myself be happy and secure in my achievements, to make friends in the most unusual ways,
so i set up my first mini bookstore today, fate and providence led me to it, an author iv'e been trying to get a hold of for some time now replied me on Facebook, things may not be hunky dory but yes, i'm doing something! and that's all that should matter for now.

the slim lawyers husband is a gem, i had a heart to hear with him at the book signing without really meaning to, he picked off my vibe almost immediately, i'm either that angry or hes very intuitive, either way i told myself some home truths, affirmations i need to make sure i don't loose the ball.

*i am enough, i cannot control the way others treat me, i cannot change their perceptions of me, and i cannot force them into what they cannot be, i will simply accept their imperfections and failures, if they are not life threatening, their attitudes are not a reflection of myself.

* choose your battles,channel your energy, guard your space and live to fight another day. cant stop to bark with every dog on the road.

* give it your all! people  are waiting to see you fail. push hard, hustle hard, pray even harder, history is not kind to the weak, never, ever, loose control.pieces almost pushed me into boatload of misery, akunna even worse by damaging me because of fees, i mean i was so close to dialing her number to tongue lash her but whats would have been the purpose of that? i need to WIN so can look back and laugh,

it will be alright eventually,it may not to be today, or tomorrow i'm  just glad that right now the lines have fallen into pleasant places.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

What I know for sure

For as long as i can remember,  I always feel unsettled,  something is always ready to disrupt whatever plans I have of playing house and raising a regular family.
Something always moving me,  something not feeling quite right.
I've moved to my new house for a year now,  and I'm still living out of my suitcase, laundry baskets broken, no storage, no cupboards, no lamps,  heck my TV is still propped on the hand me down office desk muy brother gave to me when he was relocating to London.
Seriously this is what I brain feels like on a good day.

No form of orderliness or progression, now I feel like I'm getting set to move start the mechatronics in Kano, or get this visa guy to get me an a kids a one way ticket out of this cesspool of crap...
And I'm suddenly just thrown off course, what do i do?  What do i choose?  What's the tight decision? 
Wait and struggle it out for the next 5 years?  Move the kids with me?  How will I sustain them? 
Move to America and start afresh, what ifs are so many?  Regularizing my immigration,  I would have to sweat blood and bone to achieve what I need to do,  the kids?  Will I be enough for them in the wild wild west? Their morality?  Where will I get a support system? 
My projects?  My new businesses?  Trying to make a name for myself in the literary world?  All of that
Decisions, decisions, decisions..
One thing I know for sure is things can't remain as they are, late on rent,  2 terms behind in school fees,  constantly living on a shoe string, this isn't the life I was meant to live,  I was meant to go through it obviously to see what I needed to do,and I'm grateful for the experience good, bad and bitter but I need God to point me in the right direction right now.
P. S I won a year's subscription to a dance studio, I've never felt better than in that one hour dance,even though I was as stiff as a stick,
Should do it more often, today's a burlesque class,  should be interesting.

Friday, August 3, 2018

How to get away with murder

there's a reason we act the way we do, circumstances are triggers to our actions, they may seem completely unrelated, but the link is there, waiting to be found.

so i figured it out on my binge marathon of how to get away with murder, i have an addiction...not to alcohol, like professor keating, but to people... i form unhealthy relationships, latch on to people, interest them with my wit and candor,  overwhelm with my resourcefulness and then keep giving until they cant remember a life without aysha. examples abound, but to make this interesting in case this blog ever sees the light of day, i will pick three.

i will start with paulo, paulo is my husband, no that is  not his real name, its a name my friend, smallie and i made up to use for coding purposes,anyway,yes paulo we met at a wedding, on a whim i decided to attend the wedding of an acquaintance, and he was there, in all his black shining glory dark and handsome with a voice as smooth as velvet, what i didn't know then, was that paulo was a four time failed the bar lawyer, who smoked weed and played video games all day, he then used whatever time left out of his extremely busy routine to hunt women who would soothe his ego, and help him feel better about himself, he saw that girl in me, the one who would simper and roll over at the drop of a hat, but then that was me, blending into just about anyone i needed be to make my camouflage air tight, i eased into his life slowly, and when i was sure i had established a footing i went for the kill, i am not sure paulo knew what hit him, it was weeks of communication back to back sleep overs, phone calls,text messages,bbm chats, 24/7 surveillance i didn't let him out of my sight, there wasn't really much time for anything or anyone else, i was drunk in the euphoria, and like a typical addict i kept going for the next high we were together so much that he decided we might as well make it legal, overwhelmed him so much, he decided to pop the question, poor bugger.

example 2 pieces, pieces i met very recently,middle aged high flying exec with an important government job,married for a decade and i am sure the dude never looked twice in the direction of another woman,  we couldn't be more different in our stages in life, yet so alike in thought process, anyway pieces i met at AP, he came to purchase some books, i immediately felt a connection to him, and so when he asked for my number on some pretext i gave it to him amused  thinking what the heck i need this distraction, pieces now proceeds to straight out woo me, calls  4 or 5 times a day, buys me food, etc etc... basically pieces is doing me to me!
and so here i am recovering addict with someone offering to give another high, i took the bait and the whirlwind ensued, i basked in the glory of the attention, i glowed, my steps became lighter and my smile wider, i was happy again after a long time,

example 3
a girl named apple, long story short a matchmaking attempt gone horribly wrong and that pretty much ended our blossoming friendship, but even with her the characteristic relationship patterns remained quite evident, spoke everyday, did almost everything together,

in all three cases, the departure of these individuals or their emotional unavailability crumbled me, i was reduced to a blobbering mess, looking at my phone, willing it for it to ring, desperately hoping for things to go back to the way they were,or resolving never to communicate, but running back whenever i have had a trigger, only to be rejected again which actually makes it worse, but when nate gave professor keating that ela,yes, shes a cold hard woman who has commited a number of atrocities, but i saw beyond the rock exterior, shes a d
amaged vulnerable woman who just wants the man she loves to love her back, i digress, back to the ela, the ela was the trigger to each back for her coping mechanism, alcohol....
and then my eureka moment came up,my triggers come up everyday, currently im trying to get over pieces,and i see myself reaching for my phone several times a day to get my high

and only this identification, if only i had come to this sooner would have saved me many years of bad choices, and damaging relationships.
but i know this know, this book helped though, i learnt infant time, think i will read it through and firmly apply

i need therapy, i know but it will be a cold day in hell before i sit across someone trying to get into my brain, theres just too much there that shouldnt see the light of day.

but yes,thank you professor keating for this life lesson, i will try to be less needy, and more gutsy


Back, but am i?

wow, wow , wow... its been 7 years since i last came on here, 7 years.....  7 years.... im not sure i remeber how to write anymore, or even ...